To you:

CIR® certification recognizes a specific skill set: the ability to use the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Fifth or Sixth Edition appropriately.
The credential distinguishes you from those who lack this expertise. For physicians, this confers greater credibility, opening the door to more referrals. For other professionals, it will certify that you — individually and representing your office or organization — are professionally qualified to evaluate and manage impairment ratings.
In addition, you will be able to use CIR® after your name and list Certified Impairment Rater on your curriculum vitae.
To the workers’ compensation and legal system:
Reduced conflict, more effective and timely resolution of cases.
To insurers and claims administrators:
Reduced cost and more-prompt resolution of cases by choosing evaluators with demonstrated competence. Avoiding the need to intervene in instances of erroneous ratings.
To injured parties:
Fairer and more-reliable assessments of impairment.
To Medical Provider Networks (MPNs) and Independent Medical Evaluation (IME) networks:
Unique market distinction and authoritativeness, thus better able to attract and serve clients.
To raters and judges:
This certification serves to publicly verify your understanding and skill in the use of the AMA Guides.
What Next?
We’ve made it simple with an authoritative, online certification process that is convenient and affordable.